The international Software Architecture Qualification Board (iSAQB®) defines curricula for software architects. Here you find links to the respective download areas of those curricula, as well as other helpful documents like the iSAQB® glossary or the mock exam. All repositories are hosted on GitHub under the iSAQB® organization.
iSAQB® Glossary
Source Repository, in case you want to contribute, comment, or checkout older releases.
Foundation Level (CPSA-F)
Current Official Version 2025.1 (valid from April 1st, 2025)
Source Repository, in case you want to contribute or comment or checkout older releases.
Advanced Level (CPSA-A)
Please note: currently only those modules already converted to the AsciiDoc build toolchain can be found here, the others are available only via the official iSAQB® website.
Enterprise Architecture Management for Software Architects
Green Software – Development of Resource-efficient Applications